How to update SIN number after PGWP?

How to update SIN number after PGWP?

3 min readDec 8, 2023


If you’ve recently celebrated the milestone of snagging your Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), hats off to you! 🎓🎉 But before you dive into the job market, let’s chat about something super important — updating your Social Insurance Number (SIN).

You might be thinking, “Wait, update my SIN? Why?” Here’s the deal: your SIN is like your economic ID in Canada, and if you got it before or while studying, it probably has an expiration date that matches your study permit. Now that you’ve got your PGWP, your SIN needs a refresh to stay in sync. So, let’s break it down into a few simple steps.

1. Gather Your Documents

First things first, you’ll need your PGWP in hand — this is your golden ticket. Along with that, you’ll need your passport and one more piece of identification, like your study permit (even if it’s expired) or a driver’s license. Make sure they’re the originals; photocopies won’t cut it when it comes to government stuff.

2. Find Your Nearest Service Canada Office

Service Canada is your next stop. You can easily find your closest location with a quick Google search or by visiting the Service Canada website. No need to wander around asking for directions like you’re looking for platform nine and three-quarters!

3. Visit Service Canada

Now, for the fun part — okay, not exactly fun, but necessary. Head to the Service Canada office with your documents. Pro tip: Try to go early or during off-peak hours. You’ll thank yourself when you see a shorter line. And remember, no appointment needed! It’s a walk-in kind of deal.

4. Complete the SIN Application

When it’s your turn, you’ll get a SIN application to fill out. It’s pretty straightforward — no essay questions, we promise. Just your basic info, your new PGWP details, and that’s about it.

5. Submit and Smile

Hand over your completed application and documents to the Service Canada representative. They’ll give everything a look-over, make sure all is in order, and then — voilà! You’ll receive a confirmation letter with your new SIN number right then and there. No waiting for snail mail, no hassle.

6. Keep Your Confirmation Letter Safe

This letter is pretty important, so treat it like a treasure map. You won’t get a new SIN card — those are relics of the past now — but this letter is your proof, so keep it somewhere safe but accessible.

7. Update Your Employer or Job Applications

With your shiny new SIN in hand (well, on paper), make sure to update your employer if you’re already working, or plug in your new number on those job applications if you’re on the hunt.

And there you have it — a fresh SIN to match your new work permit status. Easy peasy!

Remember, your SIN is confidential, so keep that number under wraps. Only share it when it’s absolutely necessary, like with your employer, your bank, or your tax forms. Treat it like the secret ingredient in your grandma’s famous recipe — you wouldn’t just give that out to anyone!

Updating your SIN is a quick step that sets you up for smooth sailing (or working) in Canada. So, make sure to put this little task on your to-do list and knock it out of the park. Here’s to new beginnings and updated SINs! 🇨🇦💼

If you’re ever unsure about anything or need help understanding immigration regulations, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified immigration professional for assistance.

You can book a consultation for case-specific queries.

